Twisted Loyalties is the fifth book in the Twisted series, still in production, cover not completed, centering around John Livingston Harvard, ex-cop and current private eye. He happily and peacefully lives with his wife and daughter. Sue is pregnant with John's first son and life is lookin' good... or is it?
Billyray is back... or is he? The evil killer has been spotted in New Orleans and now John and his good friend, Frank Carlotta, must travel to the land of superstition and mystery to put an end to the threat posed by Billyray.
Once there, they find that their attempts to locate him are thwarted at every turn by Twisted Loyalties and whole armies of men trying to prevent them from carrying out their mission. Blood flies, bodies drop and still the uncanny killer eludes them. But they have an advantage that they don't even know they have. Billyray, the killer, his mind is tormented by the soul of a good man he had murdered years before. Now the assassin has to deal not only with John and Frank, but with his own self-contained purgatory as well.
Who will triumph, good or evil? Who will help John and Frank and who will oppose them? Who will live and who will die? Priest's, friends, family, neighbors... there are many who will have to search their own inner souls for the answer and their decisions will affect the fates of many.